About Us


Our Mission

The Blueprint Healthcare Network is a group of likeminded doctors, addressing the root cause of chronic health conditions, changing our communities one life at a time.

The Company Story

As a young athlete and life-long researcher, Dr. Aaron Gumm has always had a deep and zestful interest in health and wellness.  Since starting to work in the healthcare industry, his desire has been for the betterment of healthcare.  Upon observing the prevailing care protocols, such as harmful drugs and surgeries, for chronic conditions he knew there had to be a better way.  Knowing how amazing the human body is, Dr. Gumm went about developing a better way of caring for patients by teaching them how to help their body heal itself.

How it Evolved

The Blueprint Healthcare Network (BHN) grew out of Dr. Gumm’s desire to help patients and his clients get better treatment for their chronic conditions.  He knew he could not reach all the patients that needed his system of care, so the Blueprint Healthcare Network was born.  BHN consists of like-minded doctors that share Dr. Gumm’s philosophy about healthcare in general and patient care in particular.

Not unlike Chinese philosopher Lao Tsu’s famous quote, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime,” the Blueprint Healthcare Network teaches healthcare professionals “how to fish.”

The “AHA!” Moment

After years of working in healthcare arena in a variety of positions and with numerous professionals such as DOs, alternative MDs, Physical Therapists, and Dentists, Dr. Gumm suddenly realized one day that our system of healthcare was going nowhere.  This sudden, eye-opening revelation made his conviction to help people even stronger than ever.  Dr. Gumm obtained a Doctor of Chiropractic degree, opened his own practice, and started helping people the right way.  Today, the Blueprint Healthcare Network is a network of like-minded doctors, just like Dr. Gumm.

Who We Serve

Patients with chronic health conditions, such as neuropathy, knee pain, metabolic conditions and more, are at the heart of the mission of the Blueprint Healthcare Network.  These are people who have previously been underserved due to difficult, persistent conditions that most doctors only know to throw prescription drugs or surgical procedures at rather than truly understanding the individual patient, their condition and its impact on their life.  Blueprint Healthcare Network doctors and practitioners understand that the body can heal itself with the help of the right diagnosis and carefully selected treatments.

What We Offer

  • Better patient care
  • Whole-person wellness approach to treatment
  • Patient education about their condition
  • Understanding the body’s systems and their unique support and function for a healthy body
  • Address the root cause of a patient’s condition, rather than just treating the symptoms

Our Values

We Create Health, Wellness, & Happiness Through Innovation & Excellence.

By using natural approaches, hundreds of doctors are helping thousands of patients in their communities with conditions like neuropathy, knee pain, weight loss, metabolic conditions, musculoskeletal conditions, and more.  It’s your time to heal.  It’s your time to find a Blueprint Healthcare Network doctor near you.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator][vc_video link=”https://vimeo.com/323774738″][/vc_column][/vc_row]